[bMum's great idea][/b]
Mum and Sid were planning to watch a Lord of the Rings film at the movies. Mum was deep into the Lord Of The Rings franchise and wants to see this film without any interruptions.
The biggest interruption she would face would be Sid taking a potty break during the film which would involve her getting up to taking him to the restroom. Could she take a port-a-potty into the theatre? No because it was to tight in their and it would be to noisy. What if she could make Sid wear some type of toilet? That it, Sid will wear diaper to the movies.
Once Mum came up with this genius idea, she got into her car and drove down to the local supermarket before she went and picked Sid up from his Friday afternoon classes at school. At the supermarket she parked up in the space adjacent to the disabled bay at the front of the supermarket so that she could be in and out the shop as quickly as possible. Mum wanted to get the shopping done quickly because it was 3'o clock and Sid school day finishes at 3:15 and she did not want to be late picking him up.
There is one drawback to this, Sid is a 7 year-old boy who has left diaper half a decade ago through mum as she was looking for x-large Pampers at the supermarket. Their is no way in hell he will wear one again unless mummy bribes him.
Once Mum got home from her shopping trip she confronted Sid about her great idea. "Sid the movie is going to be over 3 hours long and I want you to be absolutely silent for the entire film", ordered mum. "Ok Mummy", answered Sid automatically. "This means their will be no bathroom break no matter how desperate you get", explained mum. "I am a big boy I can hold it", chirped Sid. "Sid you are only 7 years old so your bladder is still developing. That why I got you some diapers that you can wear to the movies", sighed mum as she pulled a pack of size 7 Pampers out of her bag into Sid's direct line of sight. "I AM NOT WEAR THOSE", screamed Sid. "I thought you would say that so I am going to a deal with you. If you wear these to the movies you can have as many snacks as you like from Kiosk if you do not wear them we will not see the film", blurted mum. Choosing to satisfy his belly over his pride Sid agreed to it.
Diaper time
The film was due to start in just over 2 hours. Mum was ready and dressed up. She was wearing a flowerily dress which had a ring of roses around her neck and some brown high heels. All she need to do now was to get Sid to wear his diaper.
"Siddy diaper time", she called up the stairs to Sid who was playing Minecraft in the spare room. The tapping sound from the keyboard stopped. Sid didn't responded. "Don't make me come up their to get you", called out Mum as she started to climb the stairs.
Once Mum climbed the stairs, she turned left into the spare room where she confronted Sid. When she opened the oak door she found Sid staring blankly at the painted pirates they had on the wall. He was clearly nervous about wearing diapers again.
"Siddy diaper time", repeated mum. Slowly Sid got and up followed Mum to the bathroom. Sid was to anxious to say anything so he was as silent as a sneaky detective. Inside the bathroom Mum had laded down Sid's blue and green stripped changing mat. "Lie down on the mat please", ordered mum while tearing open the pack of pampers. Breaking his silent, Sid whined "Mummy I'm scared". "There is nothing to be scared of, you used to lie down on this mat all the time when you were a baby", coddled mum. After taking a deep breath and seeing no way out of this, Sid lay down on the mat.
Once Sid was comfortable on the mat, mum pulled down his trousers and underwear. Then she got a single diaper from the pack which had Spider-Man design on the front and a Batman design on the back. She put this diaper under Sid's bottom and sprinkled some Talcum powder over it. Talcum powder absorbs moisture so it will stop Sid from getting diaper rash. Then she pulled the front of the diaper over Sid's crotch and did the blue sticky tab on both sides up. Lastly she pulled his Jogging bottom back up.
"How does it feel", mum asked. At first Sid didn't say anything, he just stared at his reflection in the mirror above the ceramic sink with his mouth wide open. Once he got board of seeing his diapered bottom reflected at different angles he said, "It feels a tight cushion had been knotted around my bottom". "That how is should feel tight and soft", giggled mum while she patted his bottom down to make sure that the diaper was on correctly.
They then left the bathroom and drove down to the Movies. Once they had parked up and exited the vehicle, they went straight to the kiosk to get some snacks as Sid's part of the deal for wearing the diaper.
I need a wee
After they collect their snack from the Kiosk, Sid started to feel a strange feeling. He need a wee. "Mummy I need a wee can we go to the toilet", moaned Sid. "Siddy I left the diaper bag in the car so I cannot take the diaper off you without damaging it and I am not walking out in the rain to get you a fresh diaper", sighed mum. "But my bladder is in agony", whined Sid. "Then you are just going to have to wet yourself", stated mum. "How?" Asked Sid. "By watching this", said mum as she opened up a YouTube video on a phone showing a video of running water.
Sid plugged in his navy blue headphone into the phone and hit play on the YouTube video. With in moments, Sid was greeted with a bird's eye view of a tropical waterfall. Watching and listening to the splashing waves made his bladder tinkle. The tinkling sensation helped Sid relax his bladder muscles thus resulting in him peeing in a diaper for the first time since he was a toddler. Sid felt a warm sticky feeling at the end of his willy and realised he was peeing. He kept quite about this for a few moments before he could no longer contain his giddiness and blurted out, "Mummy I've wet myself". "Good boy, make sure you get it all out", laughed mum while giving Sid a pat on the back. After hearing this Sid squatted down on the floor and emptied the rest of his bladder into his Pamper.
Once Sid had finished wetting himself, they decide to make their way to the theatre. Mum slowly walked their while Sid waddled closely behind because his wet diaper was weighting him down due to the fact that is was holding about 350ml of urine. Mum was carrying all the snack that they brought so that Sid would be able to focuses on walking in a straight line. This is because walking while wearing a diaper is challenging which is why non-toilet trained toddlers waddled so much. Sid was walking in not just a diaper but a wet one which makes walking even harder. He is lucky it's just a wet diaper and not a messy one. However, it is not going to stay like this more much longer as he will most like be messy himself at some point in the movies after eating all of that candy mummy brought.
Sid could you please mess yourself
Before they had even reached the theatre, Sid was helping himself to the cameral popcorn that was in a plastic bag sticking out of mum's rucksack. When they got into their seat was when Sid really start to stuff his face. Hotdogs, Nachos, Gallons of soda and the rest of the popcorn just to name the main food/drinks he consumed. He also sipped mum's Latte and ate what every other junk food he forced his mum to buy for him.
All this rich food obviously gave him a tummy ache. Before the filmed had even started, Sid was rocking back and forth in his seat clutching his tummy. Sid's moaning was started to irritate his Mum.
Mum put up with this for a little bit but once she realised Sid was irritating other people in the theatre she whispered into his right ear, "if you need a poo go in your Pamper it's what they are for". After hearing this Sid stopped rocking in his seat and kept his moaning to a minimum. He didn't poo himself like his mother told him to because pooing in diaper is different to pooing in a toilet. This is due to the fact that poo in a diaper does not anywhere unlike toilet in which it splashes into the pool of water below and that pooing in a diaper does not involve any removal of clothes unlike a toilet which require both trousers and underpants to be removed.
Eventually Sid did do a poo poo in his Pamper. It was indelible due to the fact he was not allowed to leave his seat and the snacks he had eaten had given him a nasty case of diarrhoea. Sid was not willing to poo himself but it started to leak out when the jump scare physically made him jump up in his seat. Once the poo start to leak out of his bottom it all kind of just came out.
Now Sid was wiggling around in his seat trying to get comfortable in his overfilling stinky diaper. Mum knew what had happened because 1 she told him to poo himself and 2 she knew what a dirty diaper smelled of as she had spent to much time changing Sid's dirty diapers when he was younger.
Excuse me my 7 year old boy need's a clean diaper
Mum ignore Sid's extremely messy diaper until the film ended. When the credits were rolling and people began to get up so they could exit the Movies, Mum whispered into Sid ear, "time to get you cleaned up young man". Sid didn't say anything in response, he just looked at her and giggled.
Sid was having trouble walking as they were exiting the theatre. While they were walking down the stairs, Mum could see that Sid was having great trouble moving so she decide to check his diaper to see if that was the issues. After picking him up so that she could do a quick diaper check, she throw up little bit in her mouth.
His diaper was leaking all over his trousers meaning she would have to throw them away. If you think that it leaking was gross, you should get the sick bucket ready for you are about to hear what was inside his diaper. Serval chunks of charcoal black poo were wedge around both leg holes of the diaper. The central lining of the diaper was coved in multiple shades of black and brown poo that had turned into mush as it mixed up with the urine and sweat. The entire thing was saggy because it was drenched in piss. It has hole in the front because Sid was picking at the diaper when he got board because he didn't have the attention span to watch the entire film. Leaking out of the hole was all of the bubble mesh that makes the diaper absorbent. All of the mesh was now a bright lime colour because like the rest if of the diaper was completely soaked in piss.
Mum carried Sid out the theatre with his trousers wrapped around his bottom to act as towel which would catch any leaks. They both exited the theatre via the central door which took them to the main corridor. After they walked down the corridor serval yards, Mum spotted a soft play area on her left that had serval toddlers inside. Mum looked at the toddler's bottoms and realised they were all wearing diapers. This would be her only chance to get Sid into a clean diaper before they got to the car.
Mum marched into the play area toward a group of mother chatting. As Mum approached them, they all stopped gossiping, gave Sid a funny looked and turned their focus to Mum. Once Mum had their attention, she blurted out "Excuse me my 7 year old boy need's a clean diaper".
After she said this, the middle aged women who was the closest to mum and was carrying two largest green rucksacks, offered mum a clean diaper. "I think this will fit him as my three young boys all seem to grow up so fast meaning I have to buy them bigger and bigger diaper", said the women while she was searching her bag for the pack of diapers. Mum then changed Sid's diaper and gave him a wipe down with some wet wipes that she got a dispenser in the lounge area of the soft play.
The journey home
After mum changed Sid's diaper they headed straight for the main exit. While they were walking Mum was considering getting more absorbent diaper if they were going to this again. Mum was extremely grateful that she was a clean diaper for Sid otherwise she would get in trouble with the Movies if Sid's pee and poo got on their floor because it would of leaked of his diaper.
Once they got to the main exit, it was straight to the car, then home. When they arrived home, Mum put Sid's diapers in the bottom shelf on her white bathroom cabinet. She left Sid in that diaper she was given for the rest day. This was a mistake because later on she had to change it after he soiled himself again.