Untitled 2
Untitled 2
Well it all started when I was about 13 yrs old, I had this sudden interest in diapers. I was searching through my younger sisters room and I found some baby diapers and so I tried them on. They didn't fit to well but they were still fun until I got caught by my mom. She took them away and told me never to get them again.
Well there was another time when I was on the internet looking at diaper sites and came across the goodnites site and they had free samples so I ordered them and they came to my house and my mom just looked at me and I didn't say a word. Then I found them an the trash and I got them out and I sneaked them to my room and I got caught.
Well my mom ask me what my deal was and I said I like diapers and I want to wear them. We went to the store and got me some and she said we will let you wear these. Do you want to wear them at night or day and night? I said night so she said ok.
Well this went on for a couple more years. When I was 15 and she woke me up to get ready for school. I got my shower and everything and when I was getting ready I had my big sister put a diaper on me and I took a few extras with me to school. My sister said that she would change my diaper
if it needed changing so I had her change it twice at school.
When school was let out my mom picked us up from school and I got in the car I sat up front. When I got in my mom heard my diaper and saw it and she asked me why I was wearing a diaper during the day. I said cause I wanted to and she said ok.
So I turned sixteen and my mom figured that I would stop wearing diapers cause I started driving. Nope I still wear them everyday I have a baby sitter that changes me and she is very hot and thinks the world of me.
Written by: Chip