Day As A Baby

Stories recovered from from July 13th 2021
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Day As A Baby

Post by llsadmin »

This story is true. Nothing in the story is made up. All people in the story are real. Theevents in this story did happen. And all events in this story were ok with the people in thestory.

It is 11:18am February 24, 2001. Me (Stanley) and baby dennis's mommy arrived atdennis's house. I helped Mommy Jane take all the stuff from her car into dennis's house.Dennis came out and greeted us. And then he went into his computer room and signedoff-line and came to be in the living room.
We all got comfortable. And I mentioned I had a video for us all to watch. And beforewe watched the video dennis's mommy had some stuff to share with dennis mostly. Shehad gotten him a nice blue sweater and a nice romper suit. She found a nice toy truck thatmoves on it's own if you push the head down it moved forward. She had 2 stuffedanimals with her and a new fleece navy blue blanket. It was very soft.
Well after dennis changed into his nice blue romper and I got comfortable in mysweat pants and T-shirt I sat on the floor. Then dennis walked in with his mommy fromthe back room with a T-shirt for me. It was a white shirt that had Baby Huey written on itwith a picture of baby huey on it. It was cute. Mommy Jane helped me take off my grayT-shirt I was wearing and put on the Baby Huey T-shirt.
Then she asked me to bring out my blanket. So I went in my bag and got out mybaby blanket and laid it on the floor. And then Mommy Jane asked if we wanted bottles.And me and dennis said yes. So mommy Jane made dennis a bottle of baby formula whileI made a bottle with my toddler mix that makes regular milk taste like banana's.
I sat on the floor with my bottle next to me and I cuddled my stuffed puppy andMommy Jane held dennis across her lap like a baby and fed him his bottle while pattinghim on his back and rocking him. I started the movie and we watched Baby Geniuses.After about 20 minutes or so dennis changed positions on the couch with Mommy Janeand he laid on his stomach.
After another 20 minutes or so Mommy Jane asked if I had drank my bottle yet. And Isaid no. So Mommy Jane asked if I wanted to be held while I drank my bottle. So Iaccepted and grabbed my bottle and laid across Mommy Jane's lap and she held me likea baby and she patted my back and rocked me while I drank my bottle. After around 30minutes passed I had nearly fallen asleep. And then Mommy Jane got up and laid medown on the couch.
At around 1:00 PM Baby Tony arrived. He came in and we all said hi. Dennis and Tonyhugged and said hello. And I shook Tony's hand and said hello. Then Tony gotcomfortable. He took of his T-shirt and pants and was in a onesie. Then Mommy Jane satus all down and we went over her services as a mommy. We voiced what we wanted fromher. Me and Tony mainly wanted cuddling. We went over the red light green light. Redlight meaning serious talk and no baby play at the moment and green light is the signalfor being a baby.
Then Dennis showed Tony his nursery. Dennis's nursery has a crib and everything. Itis a really nice nursery. It has a winnie the poo theme. We brought the toys out into theliving room. Mommy Jane had brought some balloons and she blew up 3 and we playedwith the balloons. We built towers with some blocks. And then we had a block fight. Andwe were throwing blocks at each other. It was fun.
Then Mommy Jane asked Tony if he was wet. And he said he was so she took Tonyinto the nursery and changed him. Then Tony and Mommy Jane came back out. WhileTony and Mommy Jane were in the nursery me and Dennis cleaned up the blocks. Afterthey came back out Mommy Jane asked if Tony wanted a bottle. And Tony said yes. SoMommy Jane made Tony a bottle of formula and had him lay across her lap like a babyand she covered him in the blue fleece blanket and held him and rocked him while hedrank his bottle. Me and Dennis went to his computer room to play. I had come out to seewhat Tony and Mommy Jane were doing. And I saw Tony laying across her lap with abottle in his mouth and I giggled. Mommy Jane said "Come here" and I told her"nooooooo". Then she repeated her request. So I walked over to her and she told me togive her my hand. I slowly gave her my hand and she slapped it and told me "you don'ttell mommy no". And I gave her a sad baby face while holding my stuffed dog by my face.Then she told me to go play. So I went back to the computer room.
Me and Dennis played on the computer for a hour or so while Mommy Jane cuddledwith Tony and fed him his bottle. After about a half hour of playing on the computerDennis got thirsty so we went into the living room and asked Mommy Jane if we couldhave some juice. And she said yes. So I had some juice in a regular glass and Dennis hadhis juice in a toddler sippy cup. We took our juice back to the computer room and playedfor another half an hour or so.
Me and Dennis came back out and Dennis asked if me and Tony wanted to play videogames. I said no and laid on the couch cuddling my puppy and watched while Dennis andTony played a boat racing game. looked pretty cool. While Mommy Jane was cooking sheasked if I was wet and by then I was so she had me go change my diaper. So I went to thenursery and changed and then went back to the couch and cuddled with my stuffedpuppy. While me, Dennis, and Tony were in the living room playing Mommy Jane madelunch for us all. I laid on the couch and cuddled my stuffed puppy for about 30 minutesand noticed the small plastic paddle on the table Mommy Jane brought for Dennis.hehhe. So I picked it up and said "Hay dennis, look what me have. hehhehe". ThenMommy Jane saw I had the paddle and told me to put it down and I wouldn't so shestarted to come around the counter from the kitchen and I put it down on the table realfast. She gave me a small pat to my diapered butt. And again I gave that sad baby facebehind my puppy. God I love that baby face. Then she went back to cooking.
After another 20 minutes had passed lunch was ready. Dennis and Tony went to thenursery and got Dennis's high chair he built. It looks real cool. And it uses a real highchair plate. He did a great job on it. So after Dennis and Tony got the high chair they putit in the kitchen. Then Dennis sat in the high chair while me and Tony sat at the kitchentable. Mommy Jane cooked hot dogs wrapped in buns and was baked, and we had beans,and pineapple cups, and we had pumpkin pie after we finished eating. Mommy Jane hadbaked it at home. Mommy Jane spoon fed dennis in his high chair while me and Tony fedourselves. Mommy Jane fed me and Tony a little of our food but that was for a picture.
Just as we were finishing up dennis acted up and pounded on his tray and pouted.Mommy Jane asked him what he was doing and he didn't say anything. He just continuedpouting. So Mommy Jane said "ok that's it, you earned a spanking" and dennis said"whyeee, what me do?" and then Mommy Jane said "You pounded on the tray". SoMommy Jane removed the tray from the high chair and sent dennis to his room. Sheexcused herself from me and Tony and went with dennis to his room.
Me and Tony cleaned up the table and placed the dishes in the sink. And just thendennis came out in just a diaper and plastic pants on and his mommy right behind him.She sat on the couch and brought dennis over her knee and spanked him right there. Shespanked him with his diaper on but he still felt it. He got that sad pouting face again andrubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. And then Mommy Jane hugged him.
Then with everything done it was time to get going. It is now 5:00pm. So we all gotinto our regular clothes and packed our bag that we brought. I got my bottle out from thestrainer and placed it back in my bag along with everything else. As Tony did the same.We all gave Mommy Jane our envelopes witch contained our payment for that day. We allsaid our good byes and got our bags. Then me, Mommy Jane and Tony got in our carsand left to head home.
FEBRUARY 24, 2001