Zacks Diapered Life

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Zacks Diapered Life

Post by llsadmin »

Chapter 1- The Beginning"Honey, he's got your eyes.""Ah, but your face, dear."The doctor walked into the nursery and spotted the couple. "Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Mack, there you are."The two looked up. "Hello, Doctor Garner."The doctor smiled. "Have you decided on a name for your son yet?""Finally we have." Frank Mack looked at his wife, Susan. "We've decided to name him Zack, as in Z-a-c-k." He didn't want a mistake on the birth certificate."Zack Mack?""Zack Michael Mack.""Your choice."Frank looked to Susan. "We're sure on this?""Of course."The doctor looked to them both. "Zack Michael Mack it is."Little did Zack Mack know that already his fate had been decided.Chapter 2- The Accident"What the---?"The rain was pouring heavily on the night of Friday the 13th of September, 1985. It obscured vision on many roads, especially Wooster Street. Wooster Street was a back road, so rarely used that it didn't even have street lights, in the little town of Rasden.The lack of street lights, the obscured vision, and the slick roads was a bad combination.Susan Mack, in her little VW Bug, had been driving home from working overtime at her job. Just four months ago, actually, four months and nine days ago, she had given birth to her son. Her husband had been taking care of Zack since she went back to work a month ago.Her Bug could do nothing against the Ford F150. It was a side impact, right into the driver side of the car. The passenger side then hit a tree afterward. The Ford stopped where it was, smoking.The driver stepped out from the car and looked toward the bug. He checked inside. There was no movement.The single house on the corner had its lights on. He ran up to it and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Franklin answered the door. "Can I help you?""I need to use a phone. I just got into a car accident, I'm not sure if the other person is alright."Mrs. Franklin was friendly and allowed him to use the phone. He called 9-1-1 and reported the incident. An ambulance was on the scene in five minutes, as well as two patrol cars. The man was decided to be fine and was interviewed on the spot. Susan Mack, however, was rushed to the hospital and instantly brought to the Emergency Room. With the best of help, however, they could do nothing.Susan Mack lost her life on the night of Friday the 13th in September, 1985.Chapter 3- The CardApril 4th, 2003, was the best day of Zack Mack's life. He was 18 now, and was excited.His last year of high school was almost over, and it made him happy to realize it.Opening his presents, all of which were from his dad (his friends had decided that presents were 'kiddy') he was excited with what he saw.His dad made a very nice profit and they were well off. They lived in a very large house, what most would consider a mansion since only two people occupied it and had most of the luxuries of life.He had 4 cards, one from his aunt, the rest his dad. After opening many other presents, turning out to be video game systems and their games, DVDs, and the like, he moved onto his cards.He opened the one from his aunt first. It was an 18-year matured savings bond from when he was a kid, worth about 10 thousand dollars now. The card said it was specifically for college, which he knew he was going to. His dad grabbed the bond and held onto it, to make sure he didn't spend it on anything else. Zack was happy, for his good grades and other qualifications had gotten him acceptance into Yale School of Law. He had decided, however, to take a year off of school and relax, and Yale accepted his choice and held his spot for the year after.He then opened a first from his dad. He opened the card and found a nice $500 in it, supposedly for his car, although not exclusively. His car guzzled gas very quickly and that money would be gone pretty soon. He thanked his dad very much, but his dad forced him to move on before he could thank him too much.He opened the second card and found a key. "What's it to?""Follow me." His dad had a smirk on his face like a major surprise was waiting. He then blindfolded Zack and took him into the garage.He lifted a tarp off a new Mitsubishi Eclipse, blue, and walked back to Zack. He pulled off the blindfold."HOLY!" He'd wanted an Eclipse for ages, and now he had one."It isn't a gas-guzzler, either.""Good." He was still admiring the car when his dad slipped the last card to him.He opened it. "Whatever it is, it can't beat an Eclipse.""No, it can't, but you'll like it anyway."He looked into the card and saw a smaller card, one that didn't open.A credit card. His dad smirked. "It's got a $1000 limit per month, but it should be easy to stay under that.”Zack smiled. “I waste money easily.”“Well don’t waste this.”Zack was too happy to say anything more. He hugged his dad out of pure happiness, then fell asleep on his bed after all of the excitement.Chapter 4- The AuctionsZack spent that weekend practically locked in his room, and his dad let him. It gave him some peace and quiet, and kept worry away.Zack had been a long time TB, but kept it secret. He could never live out his desires to be a baby, had never even touched a diaper since he was three. He knew why he was a TB, too. He had never gotten the attention of a mother and longed for it. He thought being a baby would get him that.So that weekend, with his credit card equipped, he ordered some diapers, the first step toward being a baby again.As a tall kid with a slim build, he knew he could still squeeze into the Pampers Size 6. He found it amazing, an 18-year-old being that skinny, but it was the truth. At 6’ 5”, and only 115 pounds (A bit underweight, he was always told), he could fit into pretty small places, and a size 6 diaper was sure to be one of them.So, he went on eBay, knowing what diapers he wanted. Size 6, plastic cover, would do it. He searched up Vintage Diapers and found exactly what he wanted. A total of 112 diapers, in three different Buy-It-Now auctions, with the same seller. 56 of them were Size 6 early 90s thick diapers with plastic covers, the others were year 2000 Size 6 thin Pampers with plastic covers. He ordered them all and paid through PayPal with his new credit card. The seller, being in the area, sent them on Saturday and Zack got them Monday after school while his dad still wasn’t home.Chapter 5- Diaper HeavenMonday, April 7th, was the first day of heaven for Zack. He had had a great day at school, being able to show off his Eclipse, and had received his diapers. He instantly picked up the large box off the front porch and carried it to his room with ease. He then put the box down in his large walk-in closet. He grabbed the other mail and put it on the table like he always did, finding nothing for him. He then went back to his room and closed and locked the door. He then closed the blinds over his window.He grabbed a pair of scissors from his desk and opened the large box, finding the large diapers to one side and the thin ones to the other. He was pleased with his purchase, and also his plan.He grabbed a thin Pampers and then closed the box. He looked at its reasonably thin structure, white color, and two tapes. Nothing special there. Then the taping strip. It had babyish cartoon animals on it. It fit his uses perfectly. He opened the diaper and lay it on his bed. He then stripped completely and lay down on top of it and put it right in the middle of his butt, up to his waist. He pulled the diaper up and over, then pointed his now erect penis down in the diaper. He pulled the diaper all the way up and was pleased to see it reach his waist, the perfect height. He spread out the wings on the top and then took the tapes from the bottom and taped it on as tightly as he could. He stood up and tugged on the diaper a little. It was snug and wouldn’t move. He then turned around and looked at himself in the mirror. It was the perfect babyish look for him.He walked around his room and did everything that afternoon with that diaper on. He hadn’t gone to the bathroom all day and let it all out in his diaper. He was amazed at the fact that it had come out when he was walking, almost without him noticing. He flooded the diaper and it started to sag a little, but it stayed on and didn’t leak. The warmth spread from his front waist to his back waist, and unfortunately it had cooled off within minutes. He left the diaper on anyway. He looked in the mirror again and saw it glowing yellow and expanded from the amount of piss in it. He missed the warmth and now disliked the cold, mushy feeling, but he didn’t want to waste another diaper too quickly. Even after the warmth was gone, however, he had an erection. Unfortunately for him, the crinkling stopped when it was wet.By the time his dad got home he had gotten dressed in a pair of shorts that he used when running and an old shirt. The shorts were short enough that the diaper could be seen through the leg openings. His dad cooked some dinner and called Zack down to the table.“How was school?”“Fine, as usual. Got to show off my car.” He smiled.“People liked it, I assume?”“Yeah, a lot. I’m thinking about getting light blue flames on the side. It’d give it a sweet look.”“Probably would.”They sat down to eat dinner, Frank Mack having cooked some cheeseburgers. It was reasonably silent, until Frank noticed the white in his son’s shorts. More yellowish-white than white, he corrected. He also noted a slight bulge.“Uh, Zack, can I ask a question?”“Sure dad, go ahead.” He knew the question and had the answer rehearsed.“Why are you wearing a wet diaper?”“Because I want too.”“Why do you want to?”“After dinner, dad, I’ll explain it all.”The rest of the dinner was silent.Chapter 6- AdmittanceIt was time to admit. It was time to let the truth be known to the one he trusted most. It was time to be free of the burden of holding onto his secret."Dad, before any explanation, I'll show you where I got it." He had his awestruck and confused father follow him into his room and then to his closet. He had decided to tell his dad on his own terms, and his plan required some telling of the planning he had behind it all.Zack pointed to a box which he then walked to and opened. The smell of diapers passed by Frank. "There are 112 of them, well, now 111. I ordered them off eBay with my credit card, they arrived today.""But, why?""I wanted them, Dad. I've wanted them forever.""The same question-whydid you want them?""A long story, dad. You may want to take a seat." He pointed to his bed."You see, dad, the, well, condition, I have is called infantilism, or regression. Although it isn't complete. I want the added attention of being a baby, but I don't want to lose all control, just most of it."He sighed. "Infantilism is when someone wants to act like and essentially be a baby again, usually because of something that happened when they were that age that caused them not to get a normal upbringing. In my case, it was the lack of a mother figure giving me the attention I needed.""This doesn't mean you didn't do a good job, dad, it just means that I only got half the attention I needed because I only had half the parents."His dad nodded. It was true, one parent can't compare to two."The condition can last forever, but in most cases it doesn't. However, in my case, while the babying part will go away, it won't entirely. You see, I am also a diaper lover, which is someone who likes the look, feel, and security of diapers. A diaper lover is more sexual than emotional, unlike an infantilist. A diaper lover like myself gets sexually pleased by thoughts, sights, smells, feel, and sounds of diapers."He stopped and let his dad think about it for a minute. His dad wasn't thinking the normal questions, as his son pointed it out to him that it wasn't his fault and that it obviously was normal,how else could he know all of this information?After his dad took it all in, his son added his final statement. "Dad, I think this is the best thing for me." He nodded toward the diapers, and then added. "The diapers, babying, all of that will be good for me, I think."His dad took another moment to think. "You truly think so?""Yes.""Then that's what I'll do. What do you want me to do?""Well, dad, what do you think?" He glanced toward his wet diaper. "That's pretty much it, as I said I only want to lose some control. Maybe have you feed me sometimes, and change me when you're around. It'll give me the sense that maybe I don't need to be in control of everything, yet still leave me in control of some things.""You want me to pay for everything?""That's up to you. Go ahead, if you want, but if you don't want to then I'll do it.""How's 50/50 sound?""Fair enough.""Starting tomorrow?""After you get home, in your case. I'm going to wear them to school and change myself.""And what if you have to take a crap?""Diapers hold both.""You'd do it in the middle of class?""I'd go to the bathroom, but still do it in the diaper. I'm supposed to depend on them, and to take it off would waste the diaper.""Understandable. Do you want me to pick up anything tomorrow? Tomorrow will be all on me.""Powder and the like and some pacifiers."His dad gave him a weird look, but he was with his son to the end, here. He trusted Zack to know what was best for himself.Zack went into his closet and grabbed a thick diaper."You want the honors of the first diaper-to-diaper change since my infancy?"Frank knew he'd have to do it anyway, in the end. "Youshouldhave powder and oil for this.""I should, but I don't.""Well, your in luck. The pack rat that I am saved it all."He went to his room to get the very little that remained of the powder, oil, and wipes. Zack took off his shorts and decided that he would leave the rest for his dad as he let out a second wetting, this one from dinner. It was nowhere near as much as the first one, but it filled the diaper to complete capacity. He was lucky it didn't leak. The diaper sagged a bit more and was once again warm.Frank came back to the room with the supplies in hand. He looked at Zack. "Well, lay down."Zack lay down on the bed, awaiting his first diaper change that he would remember in his life time, saying "Thanks, dad. I knew I could trust you to be with me on this."Frank just smiled. "No problem, son."Chapter 7- Sparked MemoriesFrank stood, holding the diaper Zack had given him. Looking at it, he went back to a dreaming state."Honey, are these the diapers you want for Zack?" He held up a pack of high-end diapers.That's the type of diapers Zack is having me put on him now, Frank realized."Yes, dear. Only the best for our little boy." Susan Mack hugged her husband. "You know that.""I do, dear. Only the best for him.""Promise me that no matter what that you will always give him the best. Trust his judgment, especially when it comes to himself. And be with him through everything.""You say that like you won't be able to."Susan was silent. She only squeezed him a little harder."What is it, dear?""I don't know, honey. But something feels strange. Out of place."Frank Mack knew not to challenge her judgment. He agreed.That was just days before the accident, he was sure of it. How could she have known?Zack was also remembering something.Susan Mack's eyes glanced down at her son and she smiled. "Does widdle Zack-ee want his diapee changed?"Zack, both in the dream and real life, loved that, but most kids would be embarrassed by the baby talk."Oh, he sure does. He's a stinky one." She grabbed some wipes, powder, and oil, as well as a new diaper.Zack realized it was the same as the brand of diaper his dad was holding now.Susan proceeded to clean Zack up, all the while talking to him. "Does Zack-ee wike dis? Of course he does, wight Zack-ee? Who'd wanna be in a messy diapee all day?"The memory pleased him as he snapped back to attention, shaking his head suddenly. He saw his dad do the same, but let it go.Frank looked up at his son. "Baby talk too."Yes,he thought. "Someday. You don't have to start with everything at once, you know.""Of course." Frank walked to the bed and knelt beside it. He untaped Zack's current diaper and balled it up, surprised that it didn't squirt out."Wow, you soaked that one."Zack remained silent, blushing slightly.Frank noticed his son was getting an erection but ignored it. Instead he pulled out a wipe and started wiping his grown son. He knew it'd take a little getting used to. When he was done, he put it next to the diaper and threw the two into a plastic bag he found lying nearby. He then tied up the bag."Lift your legs."Zack did so and Frank positioned the diaper, centered, under his butt. Zack began to lower."Oh, hold on a minute." He grabbed the powder and put it onto his butt and then his front. Then he started spreading the oil. He applied a very good amount of it, yet it was barely enough. After he spread it evenly everywhere, which caused a huge erection, he told him to lower his legs. He then spread them out a little and pulled the diaper up through his legs. He pointed his 'toy' downward into the diaper and pulled the diaper up to his waist. It fit perfectly so far.Next came the tapes. He grabbed the two tapes and pulled them up to the front as far as they would go, then pulled them down and toward the center of the diaper, keeping the diaper tight the whole way. After placing the tapes down he stepped away, grabbing the bag."Is it on alright?"Zack stood up and felt no movement. He the attempted to move it in all directions. It fit snugly. "Perfect.""Good, I haven't lost my touch yet."Zack smirked and turned toward his mirror. He knew he smelt, sounded, and felt like a baby, and after looking in the mirror he realized he looked like one too. The diaper was very thick, adding at least four inches to his waist, possibly six."I like it, and I can still wear pants over it if I want.""Good. Now what do you say you do put some pants on and get ready in all other aspects as we go look at stuff for your car?"Zack smiled. "Sure!" He knew he'd be killing two birds with one stone, making his car even better and going into public with diapers for the first time.Chapter 8- PublicityZack, now fully dressed, hopped into the driver's seat of his Eclipse, his dad getting in on the passenger side. Turning the key, he looked to his dad. "Seatbelt on?"He asked while his own wasn't on, but he put it on then. He backed the car out of the opened garage door and closed it with the remote on his sun visor. He turned around while on the driveway and came towards the road. "Where to?""I'd say TurboTweak." He smirked. He thought it was the funniest name ever. Zack agreed."TurboTweak it is," he said, taking a left and speeding up.About fifteen minutes later they arrived. Climbing out of the car, they already saw a salesman walking up to them. "What can I do for you?""I was curious on the price of a custom paint job. I'd like to keep it the same base color, but I want lighter blue color as flames.""Flames, some of the classics. I assume you want them starting on the hood and moving toward the back?""Yes."What other way could they be?Zack wondered, picturing the other arrangements in his head and not liking them."$2,750 is our price for those orders."Zack looked toward his dad and received a nod."How long would it take?""Monday nights aren't our busiest times, we can have it done in two hours."Frank nodded again."I'll take it.""Would you bring the car into that garage over there?" The salesman pointed to an open garage and Zack moved into it. While he was in the car, he let out a little piss. Again, he liked the warmth. After pulling the car inside the garage, he stopped it and hopped out, the salesman was outside and he went to meet him."Anything else?" It seemed to Zack like this place gave commissions."Actually, I was looking into those lights, I forget what they're called, that go underneath the sides of the car, as well as in the license plate panel and usually inside the car. In red." He struggled to keep a straight face while saying this. He had a tickly feeling in his stomach, and he recognized it as a BM."Probably one of our most popular items, we always keep some in stock. Another $500 and an extra hour."Again, a nod from Frank.The pressure was building much faster than usual. He wouldn't be able to hold much longer."I'll take them. That should be all.""Are you sure?" The man wanted more money. At this point, Zack would have paid him to leave."Yes, I'm s-""No souped up engine, tinted windows, nothing?""Nope, none of it." The strain was too much. Zack ran a countdown in his head.5... 4... 3..."I'll be off, then."0... game over.The man began to turn and was halted in his tracks by a sudden sound. A loud sound, even though (unknown to the man) it was muffled by a diaper. Zack had begun unloading. Lucky for Zack, a bunch of motorcycles were going by and the man mistook the sound as them. He then walked off, just as a horrendous odor approached where he was standing.Zack gave up trying to hold it and just let it loose. It took a good five minutes, but after that he was done. It was a very large load and Zack realized it was up front as well. He was afraid to sit anywhere, and out of embarrassment he let a steady river of piss into the diaper. It was full beyond compare now, and it began to leak. He looked to his dad, blushing.Frank mouthed the words 'It's a good thing I brought the supplies' and pointed to a backpack. Zack just nodded. They walked inside the building and found a single room bathroom. They checked and found no one looking, then knocked and went inside, locking the door behind them."You really filled this one, huh?" Frank was whispering."Yeah. It leaked some.""Well, don't worry, Dad'll clean it up." It wasn't quite baby talk, but close enough for now. Zack smiled.